Monday, October 2, 2017

News You can Use… for better Health and Wellness

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Feeling Out of Balance?

Do you sometimes feel like the person on the right in  fig. 3 above? One shoulder higher, one hip lower, one leg turned in. While few if any of us are perfectly symmetrical these body contortions do not interfere with our daily activities until eventually the body screams out “enough”. The muscles that have to compensate to allow the weak or over stretched muscles to function in our daily lives finally get our attention with sore necks, low back pain, sore hips and on and on.

Some of our daily activities are contributing to the problem. The plumber in fig. 3 with his head cocked to one side or the office worker in fig. 4 with her computer monitor to high or to low can develop restrictions in their neck that lead to global head pain.

Many factors contribute to the pain one of these clients may feel. Overstretched and weak muscles cause neurons referred to as nocioceptors to release a cascade of neurotransmitters that transmit information within the nervous system to the brain. It can get complicated.

The bottom line is, pain comes from many different sources, in many different forms and can be interpreted by the brain in many ways. Therefore, as one of my mentors Erik Dalton says, “chasing the pain” can be a fruitless and frustrating experience. Combining the science of how the body works with the art of touch is what Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques is all about.

My goal with clients is to get the body in alignment - shoulders on the rib cage, neck on the shoulders, head balanced on the neck – It is amazing how much pain disappears as this goal of upper body alignment combined with pelvic alignment takes place.


Five Benefits of Massage

Five great reasons to get a massage for yourself or give a gift to the one in your life you would like to thank.

  • Improve range of motion
  • Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow
  • Realign body structures
  • Strengthen and tone weak muscles
  • Prevention of pain and poor posture patterns of dysfunction created by muscle imbalance

Perfect Gift
Treat yourself or a loved one.
Gift Certificate for a One Hour Massage


Click here to purchase your gift certificate (click the services button and choose your Gift Certificate).

EFT - A Great Tool For Healing Unresolved Emotional Events and Treating Pain

EFT is a powerful self-help method based on research showing that emotional trauma contributes greatly to disease. Clinical trials have shown that EFT is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress. Once the distress is reduced or removed, the body can often rebalance itself, and accelerate healing. Here's how you can experience this for yourself:

  • Learn more about EFT by visiting for tutorials, videos, and much more.  You'll find all the basics and be able to test drive EFT on your own issues (although at a beginner's level). If you like what you see and want to learn more give me a call. Caveat: For people who are emotionally or physically frail, qualified health professionals should be consulted before using any health procedure, including EFT.
Call me for more information
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9030 Montgomery Rd
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Cincinnati, OH 45242

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