Monday, December 11, 2017

News You Can Use... The Spinal Engine is a 3 Part System

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The Spinal Engine

The spinal engine is a three part system as pictured above. When functioning properly the lumbar spine and thoracic spine counter rotate while the cervical spine rotates against the shoulder to maintain balance..  In other words the low back twists in one direction while the upper back twists in the opposite direction. The head and neck end up twisting in the same direction as the low back in order to keep balanced.

The working theory of motion always considered the legs to be the driving force of creating all the twisting and turning that propelled humans forward in a walking gait. That was until researcher and nuclear physicist Serge Gracovetsky demonstrated that the man pictured below was able to walk with no legs whatsoever. The man had no leg bones beneath his ischial tuberosities  commonly referred to as the sit bones..  These are the bones you feel beneath your buttocks when you sit on a hard chair.  This man was able to walk with no legs simply by using the spinal engine as described above.  The gait was so perfect, when the person filming hid the bottom of the pelvis from view,  it wasn’t possible to guess the man had no legs.


So How can this theory benefit you?
What can you do for yourself?
You need to work on making your spine more supple and elastic if you want to walk more smoothly and efficiently with less effort.  Most people tend to exercise in one plane. For example leg lifts are done one side at a time then sit ups, pushups or even planks are done with the body in a straight line. You need to work on exercises that twist and rotate the spine.  Yoga and Tai Chi are great for this.
What can I do for you?
In my sessions where I use Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques much of what I do is designed to use muscle energy techniques with client participation both free up tight muscles and strengthen weak muscles that contribute to the three parts of the spinal engine working properly.

Five Benefits of Massage

Five great reasons to get a massage for yourself or give a gift to the one in your life you would like to thank.

  • Improve range of motion
  • Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow
  • Realign body structures
  • Strengthen and tone weak muscles
  • Prevention of pain and poor posture patterns of dysfunction created by muscle imbalance

Perfect Gift
Treat yourself or a loved one.
Gift Certificate for a 60 or 90 Minute Massage

Holiday Sale
Save over 25%
Sale Ends December 24th.

60 Minute Massage

Now Only $45
(regularly $65)

90 Minute Massage
Now Only $67
(regularly $90)

Click here to purchase your gift certificate (click the services button and choose your Gift Certificate).

EFT - A Great Tool For Healing Unresolved Emotional Events and Treating Pain

EFT is a powerful self-help method based on research showing that emotional trauma contributes greatly to disease. Clinical trials have shown that EFT is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress. Once the distress is reduced or removed, the body can often rebalance itself, and accelerate healing. 

Learn more about EFT by visiting for tutorials, videos, and much more.  
Call me for more information
Copyright © 2017 Steve Botuchis, All rights reserved.
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Steve Botuchis
9030 Montgomery Rd
(inside Dammert Chiropractic)
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Monday, October 2, 2017

News You can Use… for better Health and Wellness

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Feeling Out of Balance?

Do you sometimes feel like the person on the right in  fig. 3 above? One shoulder higher, one hip lower, one leg turned in. While few if any of us are perfectly symmetrical these body contortions do not interfere with our daily activities until eventually the body screams out “enough”. The muscles that have to compensate to allow the weak or over stretched muscles to function in our daily lives finally get our attention with sore necks, low back pain, sore hips and on and on.

Some of our daily activities are contributing to the problem. The plumber in fig. 3 with his head cocked to one side or the office worker in fig. 4 with her computer monitor to high or to low can develop restrictions in their neck that lead to global head pain.

Many factors contribute to the pain one of these clients may feel. Overstretched and weak muscles cause neurons referred to as nocioceptors to release a cascade of neurotransmitters that transmit information within the nervous system to the brain. It can get complicated.

The bottom line is, pain comes from many different sources, in many different forms and can be interpreted by the brain in many ways. Therefore, as one of my mentors Erik Dalton says, “chasing the pain” can be a fruitless and frustrating experience. Combining the science of how the body works with the art of touch is what Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques is all about.

My goal with clients is to get the body in alignment - shoulders on the rib cage, neck on the shoulders, head balanced on the neck – It is amazing how much pain disappears as this goal of upper body alignment combined with pelvic alignment takes place.


Five Benefits of Massage

Five great reasons to get a massage for yourself or give a gift to the one in your life you would like to thank.

  • Improve range of motion
  • Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow
  • Realign body structures
  • Strengthen and tone weak muscles
  • Prevention of pain and poor posture patterns of dysfunction created by muscle imbalance

Perfect Gift
Treat yourself or a loved one.
Gift Certificate for a One Hour Massage


Click here to purchase your gift certificate (click the services button and choose your Gift Certificate).

EFT - A Great Tool For Healing Unresolved Emotional Events and Treating Pain

EFT is a powerful self-help method based on research showing that emotional trauma contributes greatly to disease. Clinical trials have shown that EFT is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress. Once the distress is reduced or removed, the body can often rebalance itself, and accelerate healing. Here's how you can experience this for yourself:

  • Learn more about EFT by visiting for tutorials, videos, and much more.  You'll find all the basics and be able to test drive EFT on your own issues (although at a beginner's level). If you like what you see and want to learn more give me a call. Caveat: For people who are emotionally or physically frail, qualified health professionals should be consulted before using any health procedure, including EFT.
Call me for more information
Copyright © 2017 Steve Botuchis, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in at
Our mailing address is:
Steve Botuchis
9030 Montgomery Rd
(inside Dammert Chiropractic)
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Email Marketing Powered by MailChimp

Monday, July 24, 2017

If your shoulder hurts when reaching for your wallet, it may be caused by your Infraspinatus Muscle - not because your cheap.

Do you have pain in your shoulder when you comb your hair, brush your teeth or reach behind your back? If it also hurts down the front and side of your arm you may have a problem with your infraspinatus muscle. The infraspinatus runs from the lower half of the scapula to the head of the humerus (the upper arm). Pictured below its primary function is to allow you to move your arm laterally. It is one of the four rotator cuff muscles. The others are supraspinatus, tere minor and subscapularis. Together these four muscles hold your arm into a socket of your scapula and allow you to rotate your arm and make throwing motions. When a shoulder is dis-located one of these four muscles is involved along with damage to the shoulder joint capsule and cartilage.

The infraspinatus muscle can be treated by massaging along the length of the muscle fibers as well as going cross fiber (across the fibers). Trigger point therapy and myofascial release techniques are also helpful. It is also important to treat surrounding muscles that work with the infraspinatus.

Information provided by

Friday, June 23, 2017

News You can Use… for better Health and Wellness

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Neck Pain and Seven Keys to Healthy Posture

Neck pain is probably the number one complaint I hear from clients followed closely by back pain complaints. All too often after spending a session on the client's neck problem I see them undoing the work before they even leave the office. They throw a heavy purse or computer bag on their shoulder or they are hunched over reading their emails. These are just some of the body mechanics that keep the cycle of pain going in an endless loop. Today I'm going to discuss seven keys to using proper body mechanics that will allow your neck to feel better with or without a massage.


Problem #1 – A Flexed Head Posture 

Flexion is when you bend your head forward as in reading a book or working on a cell phone or typing on a computer keyboard ...(more)


Problem #2 – Head forward and Extended 

This occurs when we stick our chin out and our head forward. Similar to a flexed neck posture this condition involves flexion of the lower neck (bending head forward) while extending the upper neck and head ...(more)


Problem #3 – Holding the arms out to the side and in front of you as you tend to do when working on a computer

When you hold the arms in this manner your trapezius muscles contract to stabilize your scapula ...(more)

Problem #4 – Carrying a purse or bag on your shoulder

Even if the bag is empty the natural slope of the shoulder means you have to elevate the scapula/shoulder girdle by contracting the upper trapezius ...(more)


Problem #5 Carrying a weight in our hand 

Examples include carrying a computer bag, heavy purse or suitcase. Holding any weight in the hand creates a traction that pulls the shoulder girdle down toward the ground ...(more)


Problem #6 – Crimping a phone between the shoulder and ear 

Crimping requires lateral flexion (bending sideways) of the neck and elevation of the shoulder girdle ...(more

Problem #7 – Unhealthy sleep posture

The average person sleeps between six and seven hours per night. An unhealthy sleep posture can greatly add to a neck condition ...(more)

Five Benefits of Massage

Five great reasons to get a massage for yourself or give a gift to the one in your life you would like to thank.

  • Improve range of motion
  • Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow
  • Realign body structures
  • Strengthen and tone weak muscles
  • Prevention of pain and poor posture patterns of dysfunction created by muscle imbalance

Perfect Gift
Treat yourself or a loved one.
Gift Certificate for a One Hour Massage - Regularly $65
Save 40% if you purchase your certificate before July 10th.

pay only $39
certificate can be used anytime before December 31st., 2017

Click here to purchase your gift certificate (click the services button and choose your Gift Certificate).
Posture and Health
Poor posture can make your back ache and your shoulders tense, but it impacts other aspects of your health and well being.  Hunching over can decrease your lung capacity, impair digestion, depress your mood and elevate stress hormones.  Posture also affects your self confidence and the way others perceive you. Even though it seems simple, standing straight with good posture can change many aspects of your health for the better.  You can go on youtube and search for some easy exercises. Of course there are many massage techniques that can help restore alignment and move those rounded shoulders and curved spine back into the correct place.

EFT - A Great Tool For Healing Unresolved Emotional Events and Treating Pain

EFT is a powerful self-help method based on research showing that emotional trauma contributes greatly to disease. Clinical trials have shown that EFT is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress. Once the distress is reduced or removed, the body can often rebalance itself, and accelerate healing. Here's how you can experience this for yourself:

  • Learn more about EFT by visiting for tutorials, videos, and much more.  You'll find all the basics and be able to test drive EFT on your own issues (although at a beginner's level). If you like what you see and want to learn more give me a call. Caveat: For people who are emotionally or physically frail, qualified health professionals should be consulted before using any health procedure, including EFT.


Refer to the Tapping Chart below to tap on the correct acupuncture points. Just use two fingers and tap lightly on each point for five to seven seconds.


Call me for more information
Copyright © 2017 Steve Botuchis, All rights reserved.
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Steve Botuchis
7450 Montgomery Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45236

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